Archives: Centerpieces
At Robbins, we don’t shy away from challenging conditions, we cut right through them. Our advanced, customized machinery is here to help.
Ground conditions don’t always fit into tidy categories. That’s where the Robbins Crossover TBM comes in—whether the obstacle you face is hard rock, soft ground, boulders, water inflows, or fault zones.
Experienced in Overcoming Adversity
From solutions for difficult ground to efficient TBM assembly at the jobsite, Robbins is ever advancing.
- Twin Robbins EPBs make milestones near Taj Mahal
- Long Haul TBM: Use of a Rebuilt Main Beam Machine at the DigIndy Tunnel System in Indianapolis, IN
- Evaluating TBM Design and Performance, 30 Years Apart: The Lesotho Highlands Water Tunnel, Phase 1 and Phase 2
- Overcoming Mountainous Geology at Nepal's Sunkoshi Marin Project
- Swift Robbins TBM breaks through 11 Months Early