White Papers
Breaking Through Tough Ground in the Himalayas: Nepal’s First TBM
Years of hard work and planning have paid off at the Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project. This 12 km tunnel is not only breaking through a historically difficult mountain range, but it has also managed to break down the notion, to the people of Nepal, that drill and blast is this only way to excavate the extreme conditions in the Himalayas. This paper highlights the first TBM in Nepal and how it is managing to bore at an exceptional advance rate of over 700 m per month, with a high of 1202 m in one month. It examines which design features of the Double Shield TBM are contributing to the great excavation rates, and how the crew’s operational methods have maximized these results.
- Long Haul TBM: Use of a Rebuilt Main Beam Machine at the DigIndy Tunnel System in Indianapolis, IN
- Evaluating TBM Design and Performance, 30 Years Apart: The Lesotho Highlands Water Tunnel, Phase 1 and Phase 2
- Use of a Tunnel Boring Machine on Nepal’s First and Second TBM-Driven Tunnels
- Record-Setting Large Diameter Mixed Ground Tunneling in Turkey: The Eşme-Salihli Railway Tunnel
- Lessons Learned During Excavation of the Incredibly Challenging Yin Han Ji Wei Water Diversion Tunnel